
the nation of the Hall of Fun

what is the Hall of Fun nation?

The Hall of Fun is a nation of gamers big and small who are of the mind that all people are free from the tyranny of corporate entities, that similar to the constitution of the United states of America, no corporation can make laws, they can only make statutes, policies and executive orders that their employees must follow.

To this end we all have gotten out of any and all binding contracts with incorporated FEDERAL and STATE governments, Thus placing us back into the private sector. No longer are we considered to be public fictitious ens legis entities.

The Hall of Fun acknowledges the existence of these fictitious legal entities for what they are: a means for commerce to be conducted. People like “we the People” are freemen and women of the union of the 50 states in America, natural born statesmen, who have taken control of their State created sole proprietorship also known as their “ALL CAPS NAME”.

The main requirements to join the Hall of Fun nation are:

  1. Be a gamer of any kind, Tabletop, PC, Console, LARP, cards, dice etc.
  2. Correct your status with the Dept of State in the US by getting a new passport confirming you the living man or woman are a state national of the state you were born. ( this process is gone over in great detail in Brandon Joe Williams contract killer course 1 & 2 {2 being the much more up to date and cleaner edition} and can be found here; https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAfY_CEA7gSx00Jq9_dEKk7Q_QVAZ5qLZ
  3. Acknowledge the covenant with the Hall of Fun and honor it for all the days that you are a Wyldling.