the covenant of the Hall of Fun
[ at this time no one is allowed to make a covenant with th hall of Fun without express written consent from Jamie Brian Blankschan aka bentchezgrater king of the Hall of Fun nation]
The covenant of an Ambassador at large to the Hall of fun
the covenant to be an ambassador to the Hall of Fun is as follows:
“I promise to uphold the standards set forth by Jamie Brian Blankschan aka bentchezgrater the King of “The Hall of Fun” nation. To keep with the spirit of the founding fathers of the United States of America, a republic of freemen and women of the union of the 50 states. I stand with natural law and these basic rules of conduct:
- To do no harm, unless physical harm is being done to myself or another in my presence and causing harm to the attacker in self defense or the defense of the victim is necessary to stop or impede the act of harm upon myself or the witnessed victim .
- To be transparent and honest in all my dealings, negotiations and contracts with full knowledge that if any part of my dealings is false and can be proven so, it would negate that deal to its inception as if it never happened.
- To never steal or damage another’s lawful property.
- I will never do anything to tarnish, dishonor or disgrace the Hall of Fun nation with the intention of doing so. For if that were the intent, I acknowledge my status as a “Wyldling” will immediately be forfeit.
- Treat all living creatures with the respect they deserve until their actions or intent has shown otherwise, then and only then may I disregard them as a dishonorable creature.
I do so make this pledge as a covenant between myself and the Hall of Fun nation. This allows me to walk at peace amongst the world and all other nations as an Ambassador at large for the Hall of Fun nation known as a Wyldling.”
[ at this time no one is allowed to make a covenant with th hall of Fun without express written consent from Jamie Brian Blankschan aka bentchezgrater king of the Hall of Fun nation]